
Dynadot Help

Need support for your Dynadot domains, websites, or one of our tools? Use our help article directory to find the resources you need or contact our support team to get further assistance.
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Get Started

A comprehensive resource that aims to guide and support you as you begin your journey with our platform.


Quickly find answers to commonly asked questions, troubleshoot common issues, and gain a deeper understanding of Dynadot.

Saved Articles

Effectively manage and organize articles of interest. Save and store articles that you find valuable or wish to revisit later.


Learn all about domain registrations, transfers, privacy, renewals, and more.

Email Plan

Help articles to setup your web and email hosting easily through our platform.

Order Process

Have an order issue or question? Visit our help articles for quick assistance.

Account & Domain Management

Manage your account and control panel with ease using our detailed help pages.

Domain Market

Learn the ins and outs of our aftermarket, including how to buy and sell domains.

Pricing & Payment

Learn about the currency and payment options Dynadot Supports and how to get better pricing.

SSL Certificates

All the SSL information you need to setup security for your website.

Dynadot Programs

Learn about Dynadot Programs: Refer-a-Friend, Affiliate Program & Reseller!

Dynadot Policies

Policies covering refunds, account issues, and general Dynadot guidelines.


Connect with other Dynadot users and learn how to participate in our community.


About Languages and additional support that Dynadot offers.


Created for the client, hotspot problem category

Website builder

Helpfiles related to the Website builder

Logo Builder

Help Files for our Logo Builder

Share and Get $5

Learn about our easy-to-use referral program that provides nothing but value.

Still Require Assistance?

Check out our resources
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