
AliPay Domains

blue and yellow circles merging into circle with checkmarkAlipay Domains

As a global domain registrar, its important we support popular payment options so we make it really easy to pay in RMB through Alipay!

Alipay is the most popular third party online payment platform in China. Alipay has 800 million users and is used worldwide by more than 300 merchants.

  • Your credit card or financial information is never revealed to Dynadot.
  • If you do not have a Alipay account, it is free to create and use.
  • Use your Alipay balance for something you need - like domain names and website hosting!

Whether you're purchasing a great new domain name or getting your website started with our website builder or web hosting, you can choose Alipay when you check out by using the following instructions:

  • If you haven't already, select CNY as your currency using our drop down at top left.
  • Add the product(s) you'd like to purchase to your cart.
  • Select Alipay as your payment method and then submit your order.
  • On the next page you will be given a unique link to submit your payment on Alipay's website.
  • Once you have submitted your payment, our system will automatically process your order.

Once you submit your Alipay payment, our system will automatically start the order process. Some orders may need verification to complete and if this is the case, you will receive instructions via email.

Alipay Frequently Asked Questions
  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • No, we only accept CNY through Alipay.

  • Yes, we are a global company and accept Alipay payments from any country.

  • No, our automated system requires that you pay from the unique link on the order receipt page. You can also access this link from your Dynadot account on the Summary page under "Open Orders" and "Payment Type" for your order.

  • Yes, after your submit your order we will provide you with a link to the Alipay site where you can create a new Alipay account. However, you may need to verify your account with your cell phone or bank account in order to complete your payment.

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