
Dynadot Help

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  • How do I enter an ANAME (ALIAS) record for my domain?

    An ANAME record, also known as an 'ALIAS' record, works similarly to a CNAME record but unlike CNAME records an ANAME record can be used together with other DNS record types, such as MX and TXT records.
    NOTE: ANAME records CANNOT be added to the "Subdomain Records (optional)" section of your DNS settings.

    It isn't possible to use an ANAME record if you are also using an A, AAAA, Forward, or Stealth Forward record in the "Domain Record (optional section)" as these record types will conflict with your ANAME record.

    To enter an ANAME record for your domain, please follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and then "Manage Domains" in the drop-down.
    3. Check the box next to your domain name(s) and click on the "Action" button.
    4. Choose "DNS Settings" from the "Action" list.
    5. On the DNS Settings page, select the "Dynadot DNS" setting from the top drop-down menu.
    6. Under the "Domain Record (optional)" section, select "ANAME" from the drop-down.
    7. Enter your ANAME record in the "IP Address or Target Host" box.
    8. Press the "Save Settings" button to save your changes.

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