
Dynadot Help

Нужна поддержка для ваших доменов, сайтов или одного из инструментов на Dynadot? Используйте наш каталог статей помощи, чтобы найти нужные ресурсы, или свяжитесь с нашей службой поддержки, чтобы получить дополнительную помощь.
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  • What is a Dynadot sub account?

    A sub account is a separate Dynadot account that can access another Dynadot account. This is useful for large businesses or web developers. Now, owners can allow others to manage their domains through a range of capabilities. To enable this feature, the first step would require a different/new Dynadot account. This account will have a different account-holder, username, account info, etc.

    Owners can select between three different access levels:
    1. Domain Only - Enables the sub account to manage domains.
    2. Auction Bids - Enables the sub account to bid on auction in Dynadot Aftermarket on your behalf
    3. Domain and Auction bids - grants access to both domain and auction bids.

    NOTE: Payment and billing are hidden from all access levels and remain the owner's responsibility.

    How can I invite other accounts?

    Owner inviting staff:
    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. On the left-hand side, select "My Info" and then "Sub Accounts" in the drop-down.
    3. Click on the "Add User" button.
    4. Enter the staff member's email address, select the access level, then click "Send Invite".

    An email will be sent to the staff member to confirm access within 48 hours.

    User requesting access to an account:
    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. On the left-hand side, select "My Info" and then"Sub Accounts" in the drop-down.
    3. Click on the "Accounts I can access" tab.
    4. Click on the "Request Access" button.
    5. Enter the forum name, the email address associated with the owner's account, the access level, and then click "Send Request".

    An email will be sent to owner.

    NOTE: The owner must log into the same account that is associated with the Dynadot user and forum name. Once logged in, the owner can confirm, deny, and change access levels.

    How do I accept access from the owner?

    There are two scenarios:
    • Scenario A: The recipient already has a Dynadot account.
    • Scenario B: The recipient does NOT have a Dynadot account.
    For Scenario A:
    1. Open the invitation email from the email address sent from the owner.
    2. Click on "Sign in to confirm access".
    3. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    4. Click on "Confirm Access".
    For Scenario B:
    1. Create your Dynadot account.
    2. After the security questions have been answered, please return to the email and click "Confirm Access".
    3. Log into your Dynadot account and confirm access.

    How do I accept access from the owner?

    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. On the left-hand side, click "My Info" and then "Sub accounts" in the drop-down.
    3. Click on the "Accounts I can access" tab.
    4. Locate the account you would like to access and click "Access Now".
    5. You're now viewing the owner's account based on the permissions that have been enabled. A blue banner will display be displayed across your account showing your account.

    To log out of owner's account

    1. Click on the "Exit sub-account" button on the top right-hand side.
    2. You're now in your account.

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