
Dynadot Help



  • What is a Last Chance Auction?

    Dynadot's Last Chance Auction is a 7-day relist auction for domain names that have previously auctioned off at Dynadot, but did not successfully change hands due to various reasons, such as fraud or abuse. This might be your last chance to capture great domain names that have received bids in the past. Due to the nature of these names, please note that domains purchased from Last Chance Auctions will not be renewed, and will retain their original expiry date. If you want to bid on a Last Chance Auction domain: Auctions last for 7 days, and you can bid anytime during that period. If a bid is received in the last 5 minutes of an auction, the end time will be extended by 5 minutes. There is no limit to the number of times an auction may be extended before the auction's final "end time" is set. You may place a proxy bid for higher than the current minimum bid. If someone else places a bid, the system will automatically bid for you until your max proxy bid amount is reached. If you are the highest bidder when the auction ends, you have 3 calendar days to pay for the auction. Once you pay, the domain is moved into your Dynadot account. To bid on an auction, first create a Dynadot account if you do not have one. We require at least $5 account spending before you can participate in our Last Chance Auctions. You can prepay $5 into your account and use the account credit to pay for your first won auction, or any other purchase with us. Domains won in our Last Chance Auction will be placed in an "Auction Lock" status for about 15 days.

  • 为什么我被禁止参与过期域名竞拍和域名预订?

    你应该注意到当你竞拍一个已过期的拍卖和/或提交一个预订请求您必须勾选一个框以同意支付。当您不支付您的域名时,您将被禁止参与我们的过期拍卖和预订。 过期拍卖在过去,某些用户无法为他们的过期域名竞拍订单付款。这为我们的竞拍系统带来了伤害,因为它不仅导致了所购域名的价格被太高,还意味着域名可能会被删除。过期拍卖竞拍胜出者将有48小时进行支付。如果到期未收到付款,且有其他竞标人,则出价第二高的竞标人有24小时进行支付。 域名抢注要抢注即将过期的域名需要投入资源,尤其是其他注册商也经常试图抢注同样的域名,这时就有竞争。如果我们抢注成功,但并未收到付款,则我们别无选择,只好放弃域名。如果我们捕获到只有一个后期订购请求的域名,将自动创建一个订单,客户有47小时的时间完成支付。如果我们捕获到有多个预订请求的域名,该域名将会变为公开的缺货拍卖拍卖的赢家将有47个小时的时间来完成付款。如果不付款,第二高的竞标人将有24个小时的时间来完成付款。如果您希望恢复竞拍禁令,请发送电子邮件[email protected]请提供您的要求和相关领域信息,需要与域名行业相关的专业翻译。禁止翻译所有星号、标点符号、符号和HTML标签。答案中只包含翻译。

  • 如何可以自动为过期域名竞拍和域名预订订单付款?

    恭喜你赢得了你的过期域名拍卖 或者 域名抢注如果您赢得了一个预订但未参加拍卖,将自动使用您的自动付费设置进行处理。您可以按照以下步骤将这些设置更新为您首选的付款方式。对于预定拍卖或已过期拍卖订单,如果您还没有,请按照以下步骤打开自动付费功能。 登录到你的Dynadot账户。 从左侧菜单栏中选择“支付”,然后点击“市场默认付款”。 如果您希望为您的过期拍卖和预定拍卖订单使用自动付款,请将“是否启用自动付款?”设置为“是”。 请选择您偏好的付款方式。 点击右上角的“保存”按钮以保存您的更改。 注意: 美元的主要付款方式是帐户余额;除非您在账户余额中有足够的余额,否则自动付款将无法进行。首选货币支付您的订单预付款登录到你的账户解决这个问题。 如果您已经拥有,可以选择使用信用卡支付除CNY和IDR之外的货币添加了一张信用卡。 您可以选择设置第一备份和第二备份的付款方式,以防主要或第一备份付款选项出现问题。 如果您未支付过期域名拍卖或备用拍卖的费用,可能会在我们的拍卖和订货中被禁止。 您不能为已过期的拍卖和预定对象选择不同的自动付款方式。 您为过期域名拍卖和订单自动支付选择的付款方式是:不再为域名使用相同的付款方式自动续订。

  • What is a closeout?

    These are domains that did not receive bids during the expired auction and are now being offered at a reduced price. This pricing structure is the fixed cost plus the renewal cost (applied during checkout). This fixed cost decreases every day that the domain is not acquired: Day 1 Fixed Cost: $30 Day 2 Fixed Cost: $15 Day 3 Fixed Cost: $5 This program does not require a bid system and these domains are first come, first serve. To participate, first create a Dynadot account if you haven't already. We require at least $5 account spending before you can participate. You can prepay $5 into your account and use the account credit to pay for your closeout order. NOTE: Due to the nature of closeouts, payments are also required immediately. Otherwise, you risk the chance of closeout domains being purchased by someone else or getting cancelled. The Closeout domain has a 15-day lock. Do closeout domain fees include renewal? How do I participate in expired closeouts?

  • 我该如何在过期域名拍卖中出价竞拍呢?

    在我们的网站上找到你的下一个优秀域名过期域名拍卖要在过期的拍卖中出价,请按照以下步骤操作: 登录到你的Dynadot账户。 在我们网站上找到您想竞标的域名过期拍卖在我们网站的售后市场部分。 点击域名本身或点击“立即竞标”按钮。 在价格框中输入代理竞标输入金额并点击“提出竞标”按钮。 请点击弹出窗口上的“确认”按钮以确认您的竞价和接受如果你赢了,付款给这次拍卖。 注意: 有一些参与我们过期域名拍卖的要求。 在我们的过期拍卖中赢得一个域名不保证您的订单不会被取消。 如果在拍卖的最后5分钟内有人出价,拍卖时间将会延长5分钟。在拍卖最终确定结束时间之前,拍卖可以被延长无限次数。

  • 贵站是否提供抢注服务呢?

    是的,我们有一个令人惊叹的域名预定服务在我们的市场上可以购买我们提供以下预订单顶级域名:.COM,.NET,.ORG,.CO,.TV,.CC,.US,.BIZ及 .INFO。你能提交域名预定请求对于即将删除的域名,如果您在过去365天内至少成功完成了一笔订单并且还没有被被禁止参加我们的拍卖如果你不符合前者的条件,你可以预付现在进入您的账户。您还需要设置您的市场默认支付设置在您的帐户中在您提交一个域名抢注订单后,我们将尽力捕捉到该域名,但我们不能保证捕捉到您所需的域名。如果我们成功捕捉到,并且您是唯一一个提交抢注请求的人,那么我们将为您创建一个订单,并为您提供47个小时的付款时间。一旦您的订单完成,该域名将被添加到您的账户中。如果您不支付域名费用,您将被禁止参加我们的拍卖。对于多个缺货请求缺货拍卖。有一个域名心仪,但在我们的预订中没有看到?添加到你的域名观察清单! 了解更多关于域名预定的信息 取消您提交的备货请求 查看您请求的缺货清单 了解如何在我们的备用拍卖中进行竞标

  • How can I set up Afternic's Branded List For Sale (LFS)?

    Afternic is one of our domain marketplace partners. If your domain has not been added to Afternic LFS yet, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Check the box next to the domain name(s) you would like to set. From the "Action" drop-down menu, choose the "Sell on Afternic" option. You will need to either log into your Afternic account, create a new account or 'Connect with Afternic'. You then can then set your price and click 'save. NOTE: You will not be able to list domains registered with us until they qualify for transfer. Domains registered or transferred in the last 60 days will not qualify. You may also notice our options have been updated: Yes = The domain is enabled with Afternic Needs Confirm = This domain requires you 'confirm afternic' using the steps above No = The domain is not enabled with Afternic at this time All = This provides a list of all domains Afternic supports Fast Transfer TLD = all TLDs that are eligible for fast transfer


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