
Dynadot Help




  • 如何为单个域名选择自动续费的支付方式呢?

    建立自动续订对于您的域名,我们可以确保您永远不会失去域名!如果您设置了域名自动续费,我们的系统会在域名过期的15天 之前为您办理续订事宜。请注意,您必须选择一个最新且有效的付款方式才能确保域名可以成功自动续费。要为单一域名选择支付方式,请按以下步骤操作: 登录到你的Dynadot账户。 点击左侧菜单栏中的“我的域名”,然后点击“管理域名”。 点击您要编辑的域名。 在@续订选项@行中,点击箭头图标。 在新页面上从下拉菜单中选择 "自动续订",然后选择您的货币和付款方式。 完成后点击”保存设置“。 您还可以为一种付款方式进行设置域名群组。 注意: 目前,有4种付款类型用于自动续期。您可以选择账户余额、信用卡、支票账户或您的已连接的PayPal帐户(假设您已经添加了一张信用卡,支票账户或者链接的PayPal账户. 请确保您的信用卡是最新的,或者您的账户余额足以支付未来的自动续费订单。 如果我们无法处理您的支付,那么您的域名将不会被续订,您将会收到我们的电子邮件通知。 您选择的自动续订的付款方式是不再用于自动付款的相同支付方式过期域名拍卖订单

  • 当域名被设为“不续期”时是什么意思?

    不想保留您的域名吗?您可以选择将其设置为 "不要续订当域名设置为“不续订”时,它将不再出现在“帐户摘要”页面的“即将过期域名”部分中。此外,您将不再收到这些域名的到期电子邮件通知。

  • 如何为域名设置自动续期?

    为您的域名设置自动续订功能,可以确保您永远不会失去域名!当设置了自动续订后,我们的系统将自动为您进行续订 天 之前域名到期日期要为您的域名设置自动续期,请按照以下步骤操作: 登录到你的Dynadot账户。 从左侧菜单栏选择“我的域名”,点击下拉菜单中的“管理域名”。 选中您要自动续费的域名旁的复选框。 从“操作”下拉菜单中选择“续订选项”。 在新页面上,设置下拉菜单为“自动续期”并选择或输入您需要的支付方式。 按下保存设置保存设置的按钮 如果我们的自动续约尝试不成功我们会给您发送电子邮件。然后,我们将每天尝试一次,直到该域名从您的Dynadot账户中被删除。这样您只需更新您的付款方式,我们的系统就可以完成域名的自动续订。当我们成功创建自动续订订单时,您将收到电子邮件确认。您还可以使用这些步骤来关闭自动续订在您的域名上。默认情况下,所有域名都被设置为自动续订关闭。注意:将过期域名设置为自动续订也将启动续订尝试。

  • 如何为一组域名选择自动续期的支付方式?

    建立自动续订对于您的域名,我们可以确保您永远不会失去域名!如果您设置了域名自动续费,我们的系统会在域名过期的 天 之前为您办理续订事宜。请注意,您必须选择一个最新且有效的付款方式才能确保域名可以成功自动续费。要为一组域名选择支付方式,请按以下步骤操作: 登录到你的Dynadot账户。 点击左侧菜单栏中的“我的域名”,然后点击“管理域名”。 选中希望为其设置自动续期支付方式的域名旁的复选框。要选择全部域名,请选择表单上方的复选框。 点击"动作",然后选择"续约选项"。 从新页面中的下拉菜单中选择“自动续期”并选择您的货币和支付方式。 完成后点击”保存设置“。 注意: 目前,有4种用于自动续订的付款类型。您可以选择账户余额、信用卡、支票账户或关联的PayPal账户(假设您已经添加了一张信用卡,支票账户或者链接的PayPal账户. 请确保您的信用卡是最新的,或者您的账户余额足以支付未来的自动续费订单。 如果我们无法处理您的支付,那么您的域名将不会被续订,您将会收到我们的电子邮件通知。 您选择的自动续订的付款方式是不再用于自动付款的相同支付方式过期域名拍卖订单

  • How do I add a backup auto-renew payment method for an individual domain?

    Setting up your auto-renew payment method for an individual domain is a great way to prevent your domain from expiring, but adding a backup payment method can provide even more comfort in ensuring you don't lose your domain name! If your domain is set to auto-renew and your default payment fails, we'll try processing your domain's auto-renewal with your backup payment method. To set up a backup auto-renew payment method for an individual domain, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" and then "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Click on the domain you wish to edit. In the "Renew Option" row, click the arrow icon. Check the box next to "Add a backup payment method" and select your backup payment type. Click "Save Settings" to save your changes. NOTE: Your backup payment method must use the same currency as your primary payment type. At the moment, there are 4 payment types used for auto-renewals. You can choose account credit, credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account (assuming you already added a credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account). You will need to make sure your credit card is up-to-date or that you have enough account credit to cover future auto-renewal orders. If we cannot process your payment, then your domain will not be renewed and you will receive an email from us about it. The payment method you choose for auto-renewals is no longer the same payment method used for auto-paying expired domain auction orders.

  • How do I add a backup payment method for my default auto-renew setting?

    Setting up your default auto-renew setting is a great way to prevent your domains from expiring, but adding a backup payment method can provide even more comfort in ensuring you don't lose your domain names! If your domains are set to auto-renew and your default payment fails, we'll try processing your domain auto-renewals with your backup payment method. To add a backup payment method for your default auto-renew setting, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "Payments" from the left-side menu bar, then click "Domain Auto-Renew" on the right. Go to the "Auto-Renew Payment Method" section and check the box next to "Add a backup payment method". Choose your backup payment type. Click the "Save" button at the top right corner of the page. NOTE: Your backup payment method must use the same currency as your primary payment type.

  • How do I add a backup auto-renew payment method for a group of domains?

    Setting up your auto-renew payment method for a group of domains is a great way to prevent your domains from expiring, but adding a backup payment method can provide even more comfort in ensuring you don't lose your domain names! If your domains are set to auto-renew and your default payment fails, we'll try processing your auto-renewals with your backup payment method. To set up a backup auto-renew payment method for a group of domains, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click "My Domains" and then "Manage Domains" from the left-side menu bar. Check the boxes next to the domain names for which you want to set the auto-renew payment method. To select all your domains, check the box at the top of the frame. Click "Action" and then "Renew Options" from the drop-down. Check the box next to "Add a backup payment method" and select your backup payment type. Click "Save Settings" to save your changes. NOTE: Your backup payment method must use the same currency as your primary payment type. At the moment, there are 4 payment types used for auto-renewals. You can choose account credit, credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account (assuming you already added a credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account). You will need to make sure your credit card is up-to-date or that you have enough account credit to cover future auto-renewal orders. If we cannot process your payment, then your domain will not be renewed and you will receive an email from us about it. The payment method you choose for auto-renewals is no longer the same payment method used for auto-paying expired domain auction orders.


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