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5 Tips for an Effective Logo

Jan 6, 2020
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Once you have registered your domain, one of the next items on your To-Do list is to create a logo. A simple task at first glance, it has caused many people to stumble when digital pen hits the touch-screen tablet, or when looking at the blank template of a photoshop “new document”. There are many things to consider when considering what your logo should incorporate in terms of color, size, shape, font, icons, speed, thickness, thinness, boldness, italics, shading, and many other factors. We are going to cut through the noise and provide some top tips for an effective logo so that you are in a prepared mindset before you start the process.

Before you start, remember what the main goals are behind a logo: to communicate your brand, and to create relationship through recognition. These are the cornerstones of any factors you consider for your logo design.

Just remember: KISS - Keep it simple Sam.

To start, keep it simple Sam. Look around at the famous logos you see in your daily life. These are designs that are more simple than you would think they could be. McDonalds does not include any food items in their logo; Nike doesn’t include any sneakers in their logo. You want your logo to be memorable and clear without distractions. When choosing your logo, consider if the design is memorable. This can be tricky as you do not want to add too much complexity in making your logo unique and turn it into a messy logo that is trying too hard to be too many different things. You don’t need to communicate everything your business does in the logo. If you are a landscaping company, you don’t necessarily need a lawn mower, with grass clippers and a flower pot crowding the design. Often just text is enough, no icon needed!

Color, It’s a Black and White World

Using color in your logo does more than make it look nice. The world’s biggest brands use color to trigger emotions and you should follow suit. There are established meanings behind colors used in logo design. Red conveys power, energy but can also represent danger and a level of intensity that doesn’t match your brand. Blue is a very popular color that is calm, peaceful, and stable. Purple is a strong color choice associated with wealth and luxury adopted by the likes of Cadbury’s, and Curves. The color green can relay nature, earth, and health. These are just guidelines and colors might take on a totally different meaning when associated with your brand.

Beyond colors though, you need to make sure that your logo looks good in black and white, as well as in white and black. That’s not a mistype; some use cases will require your logo to be black on white (think newspaper) while other cases will necessitate your logo to be white on black (such as on a black t-shirt or other swag). Your logo should work in color and in black and white. Make sure the design you pick works for both so that it can be shown on as many mediums as possible.

Easily Recognizable

This crosses over somewhat with the principle of keeping it simple. Since your logo won’t always be viewed up close, or under ideal lighting conditions, fine details and slight changes in color may not be recognizable. You see this as you walk through a shopping mall or business conference. The Nike swoop is a great example of an easily recognizable logo design. The Lacoste crocodile is unique but isn’t as easily recognizable when in small print or from afar.

While we have already discussed color, color combinations are also important when considering the recognition of your logo. A yellow logo on white background is much harder to read as the contrast is not the same as black or red on white. A yellow logo on a black background is a good choice, while red on black is difficult to read. If a color combination results in difficulty for your audience, then you are not able to communicate your brand.

Fonts, Fonts Everywhere and Not A Drop To Type

The right typeface can communicate many aspects of your business, such as elegance, modernity, or creativity, before the potential customer even reads the text. A font can represent speed, diligence, or clarity. Before a word is read, the font speaks for you. And then there is the reading. Some fonts are easier on the eyes for reading. A cursive style of font may look elegant while being harder to read quickly. A simple, bold font may convey professionalism while not communicating the creativity of your brand. Be certain of the characteristics of your brand and marry those to the personality of the fonts you choose. There really are an overwhelming number of fonts now available, and yet it can seem like no one font is a perfect fit. Choose a few, very different styles and use a process of elimination to help guide you to the look that best suits your brand.

Be Classic

While it may be fun to browse around the internet looking at trends for the current or new year, it is better to aim for a classic look. Something that is trendy will age poorly, whereas a timeless logo design will allow you to focus on growing your business for years to come.

These tips for an effective logo are a start for you to prepare your mind for the different aspects of your logo design. There are many facets to consider when looking for your perfect logo design, which is why we recommend to help you get started. With an easy to use logo generator, provides everything you need to create logos for print, social, and branding so you can get started marketing your business right away.
