No, we currently do not have a listing fee. So there is no risk in listing a domain for sale with Dynadot.
What is the commission fee?
Our user listings commission fee is 10% of the sold price.
Can domains from other registrars be listed in Dynadot's marketplace?
Yes! You can list domains for sale on the Dynadot marketplace even if your domain is with other registrars. You will need to add the domain(s) to your Dynadot account and verify their ownership. Once verified, you can list them for sale on our platform. You can find more information about this process on our open marketplace help file.
What are the requirements to participate in your user listings?
To participate in Dynadot's user listings we require at least $5 USD account spending. You can prepay $5 into your account and use the account credit to pay for your first user listings order or any other purchase with us.
I'm new to domain investing. Do you have any resources available to help learn about the topic or domains for sale?