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HelpWebsite builderDesign/Style Editor

Design/Style Editor

  • How do I change the color of links on my website in your Website Builder?

    It's a good idea to make links within your content a different color, so it is easier for users to see that your text is linked. Although links are typically blue, you can make them show in any color on our Website Builder. To set your link color, please follow these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Under the "Content" section of our style editor, click on "Link." An editor will pop up allowing you to set the color of your links. You should see your changes show as you make them. These changes will apply to all links within the content of your website. To save your changes, simply click out of the editor and then click "Save" at the top of the page. Please note that this help file refers to the links within your content. There are different instructions for changing the color of your navigation links.

  • How do I to set the same background color or image for an entire page on my Website Builder?

    Depending on which template you are on and your settings, you may not be able to see very much of your new background color or image. This is because each section has its own background color or image. If you want to set the same background color or image for an entire page, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. At the top of the editor menu, you will see "Background" under the header "Site". Click on "Background Image" to change your background image, or click on the circle icon alongside the "Background" option to select a color for your background. If you have any other background colors or images selected for other sections of your website, you will only be able to see part of the page background. You can remove these other backgrounds by clicking on "Background" in each section of the style editor and then clicking the "Trash" icon. This will remove the background color or image and make it transparent, so you can see the main background you set. Click "Save" at the top to save your changes. We recommend using an image that is between 1200-1500 pixels for the entire page background. If you are having trouble uploading your background image, this could be why your image will not upload.If you do not want any background for your website, learn how to remove a background or choose no background at all.

  • How do I add the video background feature to my Website Builder?

    The video feature allows you to put a video as your header. The header is most likely the first thing your viewers will see, so it's a great place to feature an eye catching video. This great feature will allow you to promote specific things in your video. To get access to this new feature, you must have a Pro plan.How to add the video header background feature: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. At the top of your page, you will find the header section. If you hover your mouse over it, you will see two options that pop up: header design & header size. Click on the "Header Design" button, then click on "Background". Here you will see three options that you can choose from: image, carousel & video. Click the "Video" button and paste your video link from any video hosting site. Click "Save" as well as the "Save" button on the top of the page. You should now see the video in your header. To see this live on your website, hit "Publish". How do I add the carousel background feature to my Website Builder?

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