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  • How do I pay with iDEAL?

    We're excited to announce we recently launched a new payment option, iDEAL is an online payment method that allows consumers to pay via their own bank. To submit your iDEAL order, please follow these steps:

    1. Sign in your Dynadot account.
    2. Ensure that your currency is set to EUR (Euros)
    3. Submit your order from our platform and select "iDEAL" as your payment method.
    4. On the next page, you will see a link that you can copy or just click on the "here" button above it, both will take you to iDEAL where you will need to log in to your bank account and send us the payment.
    NOTE: In most cases, the payment is credited instantly but it can sometimes take 1 business day for the order to be processed.

    See all our payment options.

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