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HelpDomainsNew TLDs

New TLDs

  • What are new TLDs (nTLDs)?

    New TLDs (nTLDs) are top-level domain extensions that were released starting in January 2014. ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, started the New gTLD Program with the goal of enabling the largest expansion of the Domain Name System (DNS) to date. Since this program began, there have been over 1200 new gTLDs delegated.The first group of gTLDs were originally launched in 1985. Since then there have been a few other TLD launches including .INT in 1988, seven TLDs in 2000 including , , , and , six "sponsored" TLDs (sTLDs) in 2004 including and , and finally in 2011. As you can see, no other TLD launches have allowed for as much expansion as the most recent new TLDs.Although, we have not launched all 1200 new TLDs, we do currently offer over 500 TLDs for registration (both old and new). Check out our full list of TLDs to find your dream domain today!

  • What is General Availability?

    General Availability (GA) period is the period after a new top-level domain (nTLD) is officially launched to the public. During this time, domain registrations are simply done on a first come, first serve basis. Any TLD listed on our TLD prices page is in GA.What are the launch phases of a new TLD?What is Sunrise period?What is Landrush period?What is Early Access period?

  • What is Sunrise period?

    A Sunrise period takes place before a new top-level domain (nTLD) officially launches. It allows trademark holders an opportunity to apply for registration of their trademarked domain names before general registration of the new TLD is available to everyone. For example, a brand such as Google is able to secure "google", which is their trademark.Following a Sunrise period is usually a Landrush period. Then, some new TLDs have an Early Access Period before General Availability.Can I register domains through Dynadot during a new TLD's Sunrise period?What are the launch phases of a new TLD?

  • What is a Priority Access Period?

    A Priority Access Period is a special period that Verisign is having for each of their new international language top-level domain (TLD) launches. Verisign is the central registry for .COM, .NET, & .CC, and, now, the new international language versions of .COM and .NET. As they launch these new international language versions of .COM and .NET, they are having what is called a "Priority Access Period" for each domain. During this period, domain owners have the opportunity to register their same domain name on the international language version of their TLD. For example, if you own yourname.com, you can register yourname.닷컴 during .닷컴's Priority Access Period and no one else can register that same domain name on .닷컴 during this time. To take advantage of Priority Access, you will need to first log in to the Dynadot account that has the exact match domain name you want to register in it. This domain name must have been registered before Priority Access began and it must no longer be eligible for grace deletion. Then, you can search for the matching domain name on the TLD's page, so for the above example, you would need to visit the .닷컴 page (link is below). Verisign has launched the following new TLDs so far: .コ� ƒ - Japanese Katakana version of .COM Priority Access Period: 3/15/16 00:00 UTC - 5/16/16 00:00 UTC Landrush Period: 5/16/16 00:00 UTC - 6/13/16 00:00 UTC General Availability: 6/13/16 00:00 UTC .닷컴 - Korean version of .COM & .닷넷 - Korean version of .NET Priority Access Period: 6/20/16 00:00 UTC - 8/16/16 00:00 UTC Landrush Period: 8/16/16 00:00 UTC - 8/30/16 00:00 UTC General Availability: 8/30/16 00:00 UTC Priority Access Period does not have an additional fee. The current price is $12.99 (though this is subject to change per Verisign). Landrush, however, does have an additional fee. Verisign will be launching several more international language TLDs and this file will be updated as we receive more info.

  • What is ICANN's New gTLD Program?

    ICANN's New gTLD Program is an initiative to introduce new top-level domains (TLDs) to the Domain Name System (DNS) in what has been the largest expansion to date. ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers and all the way back in 2005, they began planning out a process to consider new gTLDs. The process involved several rounds of applications followed by evaluation and, if approved, eventually delegation.The first applications were accepted in January of 2012 and over 1,930 were received. Two years later, in January of 2014, the first new gTLDs became available for registration. Since then more than 1,200 new gTLDs have been delegated. Although we don't offer all 1,200 new gTLDs, we do support over 500 TLDs (both old and new). See our full list and find your dream domain today!

  • What is Landrush period?

    A Landrush period is a special period during which registration for a new TLD that has not yet launched is available either to a special group or at a special (usually premium) price. The Landrush period typically takes place after the Sunrise period. Following Landrush period is typically either a Early Access Period or General Availability for the new TLD.Can I register domains through Dynadot during a new TLD's Landrush period?What are the launch phases of a new TLD?

  • What are the launch phases of a new TLD?

    There are several launch phases that occur before a new top-level domain (nTLD) officially launches and is available to the public for registration. The phases depend on the central registry that is launching the TLD, but typically they include: Sunrise period: This period allows trademark holders the opportunity to secure their trademark on the new TLD. Landrush period: This period typically offers registrations at a premium price or to a special group (also usually at a premium price). Early Access period: This is a special period usually available right before a new TLD officially launches. Typically, prices are premium, but they get lower each day of the period. General Availability (GA): Once a new TLD is GA, it has officially launches and is available to the public for registration. Please note that some new TLD offer pre-orders before their GA launch. Pre-orders simply allow the registrant to try and register the domain they want right when GA starts. Dynadot no longer support pre-orders.

  • Do you have an alphabetical list of the new TLDs that have launched and are now available for general registration?

    Yes! We created an alphabetical list of the new TLDs that have launched on our blog. We often update the list and you will see the date of the last update at the bottom.See a full list of all the TLDs we support

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