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Woman on Computer - Importance of Professional Business Email

The Importance of a Professional Email Part 2: The Business

Robyn Norgan
Nov 29, 2016 • 5 min read

Have you ever made an appointment or purchased something and then gotten an email confirmation from a Gmail or Yahoo email address? I have, and whenever this happens I wonder why this business isn't emailing me from a customized email on their domain name. Then I remember that even in 2016 about 50% of small businesses still don't have a website - and, to throw in a lesser-known statistic, only about 20% have a company branded email.

Why is this? Well, I think the first thing to recognize here is that running a small or medium business is hard work. When you run a business, you have to become a jack-of-all-trades, especially early on. For many, this means being the HR department, keeping the books, doing the marketing, and oh let's not forget about doing the thing that probably made you start the business in the first place - such as examining patients' eyes, for example.

If you want a website for your business, well this just adds another thing to your list - and for many, it adds something that can seem out of reach. I get it. Domains are scary, coding is scary, and the thought of having to build a website is scary. Seriously, I try to explain this to our engineers all the time. Luckily, I must not be the only one because over the last few years there has been a shift in the industry and we have had the opportunity to get acquainted with and fall in love with something called the website builder.

The website builder has opened up the doors of the Internet and invited everyone in. Now you don't have to know how to code to build a website, connecting a domain to it is easy, and - at least with Dynadot's website builder - so is setting up your custom branded email! Having a custom branded email on your domain name brings professionalism to your business. Did you know that potential customers are 9 times more likely to do business with you if you have a business email address?

If I haven't convinced you yet, then maybe that's because I haven't addressed the other potential barrier that many small businesses see - and that's cost. When you're running a small business, keeping track of costs is important and necessary for your survival. There are lots of options out there when it comes to domains and websites. Here at Dynadot, we offer a website builder plan that has everything a small business needs for just $15/month.

Our business plan includes:

- Easy-to-use drag and drop tools
- Unlimited pages
- Unlimited emails
- Unlimited contributors

Unlimited emails means that you and your employees can have access to your own custom business email. You can each create your own custom email and custom log in - and you can create shared email address such as info@yourbusinessname. Unlimited contributors means that you don't have to be the only one to contribute to your website. You can create accounts for other users to access your website builder without giving them full access to your Dynadot account - and, importantly, your domain (see our post of why you should own your domain for more info).

Now, more than ever, it's easy to create your online presence. Everyday, people from industries all over with little to no coding experience are creating the perfect website and email for their business. What are you waiting for?

Robyn Norgan
This post was written by Robyn Norgan, who wants to remind you that individuals can also benefit from a professional email, which is what I talk about in part 1 of this 2 part series.
