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HelpWebsite builderDesign/Style Editor

Design/Style Editor

  • What does the "Target" tab mean when setting a link in your website builder?

    When you link text within our website builder, you may notice that there is an option labeled "Target" in the link settings pop up. Targeting allows you to control where the new page is displayed when the user clicks on your link. Here is a breakdown of what each link target setting means:New Window : This will open your link in a new window on the user's browser, keeping your website open in another window.Topmost Window : If you are using iframe* on your website, this will open your link in the topmost or main window of the user's browser.Same Window : If you are using iframe on your website, this will open the link within the same frame.Parent Window : If you are using iframe on your website, this will open your link one frame level from where it is located. For example, if you have 5 frames, your link will open in frame 4.*iframe is a window within a window (aka a HTML document inside an HTML document). This is something that you would have to add to your website builder through our code editor. An example of an iframe is our webpage snapshot tool, which can be used to see an un-cached view of a website.

  • How do I change the font, color, and size of my website's content in your Website Builder?

    To change the font, size, color, and more of your website's content text in our Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Under the "Content" section of the editor menu, click on "Text." The text editor for your website's content will pop up giving you the following options: color, font, size, weight (light, normal, bold), style (normal, italic, oblique), letter spacing, line height, and allow you to easily "transform" your text into all uppercase, all lowercase, and all first letter capitalization. Please note that the changes you make here will apply to all content on your website. There are also changes you can make within your content when you click into the area of text you want to change. You should see your changes show as you make them. To save your changes, simply click out of the editor and then click "Save" at the top of the page. You can also set up different headers to be used on your site under "Header 1," "Header 2," and "Header 3" in the same section.

  • How do I add or change the background color of different sections of my website on my Website Builder?

    To change the background color of any section of your Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. You will see "Background" listed at the top of each section of our style editor. Click on the "Background" you would like to change. Select the color you would like to set as your background using our color spectrum or by entering the color's code. Click "SAVE" at the top to save your changes. You can also choose to keep some backgrounds, but make them more transparent. See how to adjust the transparency of your background. If you have added an image as your background, there are several options available to ensure your image looks the way you want.Learn how to set the same background for your entire page or how to remove your background completely.

  • How do I remove a text box from my Website Builder?

    If you want to remove an entire text box from your Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Find the text box you want to remove and hover over it. (If you've been typing in the box and your cursor is blinking, you will need to click out first.) You should see a "Trash" icon that looks like a little trash can show in the top right corner of the text box. Click on the "Trash" icon and click "Save" at the top of the page. Learn how to add a text box to your Website Builder

  • I've added a background image to my Website Builder. What do the background image options mean?

    There are a few options that are available to you after you've uploaded a background image in our Website Builder.If you've uploaded a header background image, you can access these options by following these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on "Background" under the "Header" section. If you've uploaded any other background image (for your whole site or cover section), you can access these options in the same place that you uploaded the image. After you've uploaded your background image, the options will appear below it.Here is more information about these options: Position: This allows you to adjust the position of the background image. The options include left top, center top, right top; left center, center center, right center; and left bottom, center bottom, right bottom. We recommend trying a few of the options to see where your image looks best. Size: The size of your background image. Options include auto, cover, and contain. Repeat: Whether or not your background image repeats on your website. The options are none, no-repeat, repeat, repeat-x (repeat along the x-axis only), repeat-y (repeat along the y-axis only)

  • How do I set my text to one of my header settings in your Website Builder?

    Our Website Builder allows you to set 3 different headers to use within your website's content (this is different from your website's main header). To set text to use one of your headers, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Go to the page with the text you want to set to a certain header. Click in the text box and highlight the text you want to set to a header. A text editor will show above the text box. On the right side of the text box, you will see three vertical dots for the last button. Click on this button and you will probably see "Normal" selected as your paragraph setting. Click on this and select the header you want from the drop-down menu. Your text should now match your settings for that header. Click "Save" at the top of the page to save your changes.

  • How do I add the carousel background feature to my Website Builder?

    The carousel feature allows you to post various images in the header which will allow you to feature multiple things. This feature is a great way to promote all the amazing things your site has to offer. To get access to this new feature, you must have a Pro plan.How to add the carousel header background feature: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. At the top of your page, you will find the header section. If you hover your mouse over it, you will see two options that pop up: header design & header size. Click on the "Header Design" button, then click on "Background". Here you will see three options that you can choose from: image, carousel & video. Click the "Carousel" button and add the pictures you want to show. Click "Save" as well as the "Save" button on the top of the page. You should now see the carousel in your header. To see this live on your website, hit "Publish". How do I add the video background feature to my Website Builder?

  • How do I move a text box to a different location in my Website Builder?

    If you want to move a text box to a different location on your Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Find the text box you want to move and hover over it. (If you've been typing in the box and your cursor is blinking, you will need to click out first.) You should see a "Move" icon that looks like a cross with arrows on the ends in the top right corner of the text box. Click on the "Move" icon and drag the text box to the location you want. As you move it, you will see a blue line that shows you where your text box will be placed on the page. Please note that there is no way to move a text box between pages. We recommend simply creating a new text box on the other page and copying and pasting the text into it. To save your changes, click "Save" at the top of the page. Learn how to remove a text box from your website builder

  • How do I change the font, color, and size for the headers in my website's content section in your website builder?

    Our Website Builder allows you to set 3 different headers to use within your website's content (this is different from your website's main header). To change the font, size, color, and more of your website's content headers, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Under the "Content" section of our style editor, click on "Header 1," "Header 2," or "Header 3." The text editor for each header allows you to set a color, font, size, weight (light, normal, bold), style (normal, italic, oblique), letter spacing, and allow you to easily "transform" your header into all uppercase, all lowercase, and all first letter capitalization. If you have any text set to the header you are changing, you will be able to see your changes as you make them. To save your changes, simply click out of the editor and then click "Save" at the top of the page. Please note that is best practice to set Header 1 as the largest font size, Header 2 middle, and Header 3 as the smallest font size.

  • How do I bold, italicize, and underline certain words in my website's content on your Website Builder?

    To bold, italicize, and underline individual words in your content within our website builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Go to the page with the text you want to bold, italicize, or underline. Click in the text box and highlight the text you want to edit. A text editor will show above the text box. You will see a button with a "B" for bold, "I" for italics, and "U" for underline. Click on the one or ones you want to set for your text. Click "Save" at the top of the page to save your changes.

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