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  • How do I set up my .RUHR default admin contact settings?

    .RUHR domain requires an admin contact in Germany. This means that you need to set up a contact record for this domain that has Germany as the country. You will be asked to set this at checkout, but you can also set it up or change it from within your Dynadot account.To setup your .RURH default admin contact settings, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "TLD Settings" in the drop-down. Click on the RUHR Domain Settings" link. Select your .RUHR default admin contact from the drop-down or click the "Create Contact Record" button to create a new contact. Press the "Save" button to save your changes.

  • How do I set my .BERLIN contact settings?

    The .BERLIN domains are restricted to those who have a connection to the city of Berlin. This connection can include a contact in Berlin. You will need to enter your contact settings either at checkout or from within your Dynadot account. To set up your .BERLIN contact settings from within your Dynadot account, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click "My Domains", then "TLD Settings" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "BERLIN Settings", set your .BERLIN contact information here. If you do not have a contact record in Berlin, you can create one on that page as well.

  • Why can't I register my .AI domain for just one year?

    .AI domains only allow 2 year registrations, so unfortunately it would not be possible to register a .AI domain for 1 year.A .AI domain can be renewed for 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 years, up to a maximum registration period of 10 years. This means that if your .AI domain expires in 2 years, you could renew it for up to 8 additional years. Unfortunately it is not possible to renew a .AI domain for 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 years.

  • How do I know if my .XXX, .ADULT, or .PORN website is eligible to be listed on the www.xxx.xxx directory?

    Eligible websites are developed .ADULT, .PORN, .SEX, or .XXX websites that contain adult entertainment content as determined by the central registry, ICM Registry's sole discretion. Please check out ICM Registry's website for more information.

  • How do I add my Membership ID to my .XXX domain?

    The central registry for .XXX requires registrants to be members of the Sponsored Community in order for their .XXX domains to resolve. You can still register .XXX domains without a member ID, but you will not be able to create a website on it. To obtain a membership ID, please send an email to the .XXX central registry at [email protected] add your Membership ID to your .XXX domain, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and then "TLD Settings" in the drop-down. Click on the "XXX Settings" link. Enter your ID number In the "XXX Member ID" box. Press the "Set" button to save your changes. After you have completed those steps, you MUST update your contact settings for the .XXX domain. Go back to "My Domains" in the left-side menu bar and "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Check the box next to your .XXX domain name(s) and click on the "Action" button. Choose "Contacts" from the "Action" list. Select your contacts records. Press the "Submit" button to save your changes.

  • Why am I unable to set my name servers for my .DE domain?

    The central registry for .DE domains requires that all name servers respond to DNS queries before they can be set to a .DE domain. This means that not only will your name servers need to be valid, they will also need to be properly configured to serve your specific domain and have diverse IP addresses associated to them.If you receive an error message when trying to set name servers for your .DE domain, one or more of these requirements have not been met. To check your name servers, try running a Pre-Delegation Check. This should help you pin-point the issue so you can inform your web host.Here is more information on .DE name server requirements.

  • What are the requirements to register .RUHR?

    .RUHR domain requires an admin contact in Germany. This means that you need to set up a contact record for these domains that has Germany as the country. You will be asked to set this up upon checkout. If you already have a contact record with Germany as the country, you can select it from a drop-down. Otherwise, it will ask you to create a new one with Germany set as the country.You can also set or change this information in your Dynadot account under RUHR Domain Settings.

  • Where do I enter my .MOSCOW/.МОСКВА Whois Type?

    To set up your .MOSCOW and/or .МОСКВА domain's Whois type, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click "My Domains", then "TLD Settings" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the ".MOSCOW/.МОСКВА Settings" and enter in your .MOSCOW/.МОСКВА Whois type information here. There are different Whois type entry requirements depending on whether you are a legal entity or an individual. Find out more about what you need to enter for your .MOSCOW/.МОСКВА Whois type.

  • How do I enter the intended use for my .QUEBEC domain?

    .QUEBEC requires all registrants to be an individual or a legal entity with a connection to the Québec community. Due to these restrictions, when you register a .QUEBEC domain name, you are asked to fill out an "intended use." To set up your .QUEBEC domain's intended use settings, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click “My Domains”, then “TLD Settings” from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "QUEBEC Settings" and enter in your .QUEBEC intended use information here. Find out more about .QUEBEC's intended use requirements.

  • Why am I unable to set my name servers for my .RO domain(s)?

    RoTLD, the central registry for .RO domains, accepts name servers with endings other than .RO, however, they require the name servers to be declared before they can be set to your domain. You must declare your name servers on the registry's website here: https://www.rotld.ro/domadmin/ After the declaration, you can set the name servers to your domain in your Dynadot account.

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